Well sis.. there's that.. You got your tea or you need some of mine?
I hope the title gives you some kind of idea of what I'm going to be pointlessly rambling about today. It's 1AM & I'm actually supposed to be asleep but my nightly routine sucks so there's also that.. so go over and give me some of that blanket.. I wanna vent..
OH! Remember this is is a safe space and a judge free zone sis..
Don't get it twisted, that also applies for me.. so keep it cute & put it on mute chile..
So.. here's the tea.
I have a confession.
When my feelings get hurt really bad or I feel embarrassed I tend to go ghost. No seriously. I'm talking about I change my number, delete my socials, block the hell out of you and go missing for a few days.. maybe even weeks.. or until I don't even care about the situation anymore.
I get this weird high by being out of reach. Me going ghost is more for my benefit than it is for the person I'm ghosting. I don't know why I thought going MIA made me so grown.. but one time in high school I went ghost on my boyfriend for four months.. and yes I'm pulling the overly-dramatic-pisces card again! I literally got rid of my cell phone, didn't tell him and lived my life being unreachable.. like I was a celebrity on vacation..
Chile I really thought I was going to come back to a whole welcome back party.. but that man had moved on with his life.. and honestly so did I.
I know you're thinking "what in the mental illness?" but no.. seriously.. this is my coping mechanism. I know it's not really healthy but neither was my phone and social media.
Honestly.. if it weren't for the jokes on twitter I probably wouldn't be plugged in either.
Girl if I'm being honest.. social media for me has become this secret "who-has-the-best-life" competition. As a matter of fact, its not even a secret anymore. I've watched these influencers and their boyfriends spoil each other with new cars, designer bags and dream houses and for a split moment I'm like "omg I wish it was me" without publicly admitting that of course because GOD FORBID I actually say that I deserve something nice on Future's internet..
Wait wait wait.. how did I get here? Sis sometimes I really just be going from one thing to the next..
My point for this post is really that you have to know and understand your limits. Although this might sound strange, people tend to start appreciating you the minute you walk out of their lives.
There are some people in life that are just not going to be right for you. You'll spend days and hours trying to figure out why things aren't working out, why he's taking so long to text back or why you're confused.. AND IT'S BECAUSE HE'S JUST NOT IT SIS!
Im gonna share something I had to learn the hard way with you..
Someone who isn't appreciating you isn't going to appreciate you more if you do the things they were already not appreciating!!
Wait wait wait!! Did you get that sis? Tell me you got that girl..
A word. A whole word!
Don't disappoint me. I'm going to break it down again.
This tea just magically turned into hennessy so stay with me..
Someone.. who is NOT appreciating you is NOT going to appreciate you more.. if you do more of the things that they were ALREADY NOT appreciating.
I hope you got it chile.. cause I'm not going to say it again.
You can't expect to make someone love you by loving them more. Just pack it up, ghost that clown and find someone else who will appreciate the hell out of you.
I always believed that women had this really cool super power called intuition. It's how we know what we know before we even know it. It's how we can tell when he's acting shady because he's talking to his ex again or there's a size eight in the back and the customer service representative just doesn't want to check.
Yeah! That gut feeling! That "Nuhuh, something just ain't right!" feeling you get in your stomach.
Trust it! Trust your intuition when the universe is telling you something. 99.9% of the time you're right.. the other 0.1% you're just crazy. No worries.. that's just a risk you have to be willing to take love bug!
Don't worry.. I know what you're doing.. you're holding onto the possibility of him becoming eeeeveeeryyything you told yourself in your head that he would be.. right? You see "potential" in him.. right? Am I getting warmer or nah? He deserves one million more chances and then you're done? RIGHT?
Girl.. don't look at ME crazy.. I'm just the messenger!!
I'm going to leave this with you sis..
You don't have to force anyone to be anywhere.. if someone wants to leave, let them! Don't beg! Don't chase! Don't give them a million reasons to stay!
Why would you want to be around someone you'll have to convince to be around you? There are men who are probably rotting away waiting for you to reply to their DMs!
I hope this roller coaster entry was as entertaining for you as it was for me..
I'm not even going to edit anything.. I'm giving you girls raw and uncut T!
It's spooky season.. ghost these men sis!
See you next week..
Oh and send me your nightly routines so I can borrow them and maybe get to bed before 1am once in a while..
Whew charl.... the re-evaluation !! loved this
Needed this! Damn, it’s amazing how we as women tend to disregard our intuition when it’s convenient for us.. and in most cases we’re just making it even harder on ourselves.
& please don’t listen to none of the other nightly routines.. I’m loving this late night writing! 😜❤️
I am loving every bit of these post. I needed to hear this. A perfect read 🥰💖 keep it coming babe!!