Hi love bugs!
Welcome to my blog. I would like to formally introduce myself by telling you three things about me. Although we're not speaking face to face, with your permission, I'd like to make you as comfortable with me as possible. We might be spending a little time together.. so get cozy! As you're reading this post I want you to share three things with me too.. I'll go first..
Its hard for people to pronounce my name so I prefer being called T.
I'm a pisces.
I have really bad anxiety.
Okay.. your turn..
Congrats!! we're besties now !!
So this is really my first time writing anything for someone else to read, besides my law essays that are usually a drag. So excuse me if I'm not as punctual as you're going to be expecting me to be *inserts my obnoxious laugh*. I really wanted to make this blog because I started a private story on my snapchat for the girls that I have and the feedback inspired me to inspire someone else. I am currently on a self care journey and I am learning how to fall in love with myself again by unlearning negative habits, creating better ones and encouraging other love bugs on the way there.
The first thing I actually wanted to speak about is not overwatering the things & people you love. So.. have a seat ladies, get your tea.. or Hennessy.. LETS. CHAT.
You're going to notice that I make more mistakes than I probably should at my age but this is a judge free zone so don't even start it sis.. I'm going to be completely transparent on the topics I post about but lets not confuse that with thinking you know me. Did I mention I can be a bit sassy sometimes?
The hardest part about me loving someone or something is I tend to suffocate it occasionally. I love love. I love giving love. I love receiving love. I just really.. love love. The things and people that I love know that I love them. When I say 'overwatering' this comes from a place of not having boundaries. I didn't understand how important they actually were until I required them for myself.
The hardest lesson I learned from a relationship was that you never really know a person. Like honestly, anyone is capable of anything. We spend so much time, effort and energy on the people we love.. pouring so much of ourselves into them and thinking, in a sense, that we know them. We can know their order for their favorite fast food restaurant, finish their sentences, tell when somethings wrong with them but that still doesn't mean that we "know" them.
People wake up some days and they don't feel the same way they did yesterday. Don't get me wrong, there's nothing wrong with that. I'm a pisces, I'm so emotional. One day I'm sad and five minutes later I'm singing city girls lyrics on my way to the fridge. The first time I heard someone tell me "You don't know me! As much as you think you do, you don't!" Girl, I really wanted to knock him out becauseeeee... ??
As he explained, I realized his intentions wasn't to awaken my inner 'she-devil' to knock him out but to honestly realize we will never understand the depths and the limits of another person AND if you're anything like me, sometimes you won't even understand your self!
Its important to share ourselves with others but its also important to keep some of you FOR YOU. Its so easy to look in the mirror or tweet "I love myself!" but it's also important to MEAN IT.
Saving some of you for you means that you're not giving everybody access to your safe spaces. There has to be certain things in your life that are off limits to others. (Unless you enjoy people in your business). We're going to call these things hidden treasures.
As I fall in love with myself, for the millionth time, I am learning that I am not who I use to be. Im reminded whenever I look at my snapchat memories or I see people I use to hang out with.. some times I'm even ashamed.. like omg sis, wtf? That's a part of growth though. I'm not even that girl anymore. Those people I use to know.. they don't even know ME anymore.
The things I use to be okay with I'm not anymore. The things I let slide.. can't even step to me anymore.
This is how I choose to save me for me. I'm exercising this by being selective with the parts of myself that I share with others. By not giving everyone access to me, regardless if we were once "like that" allows me to have control over my peace.
I'm not 100% there yet but the journey is my favorite part and I hope you stick around cause I love having girl talk!
So love bugs I'm going to leave you with this..
Be selfish for once or twice. Spend some time with yourself and learn about the parts of you that you don't want to share with anyone else. Enjoy your hidden treasures.
333 is my angel number. It means that angels are with and around you.
So here's your daily questions for you to answer to yourself..
What are 3 positive affirmations that you told yourself today?
What 3 things contributed to you having a good day?
What 3 things can you do to ensure that you're saving some of you for you?
I can't wait to hear!
absolutely love this & really needed to read this. 🥰
This really was a good read! It even made me think...keep it up I’m looking forward to more🥰
Awesome read Tey! 💕
Loved every word!! You're such a good writer! ❤️ Can't wait for more girl talk 🥰🤗